Thursday, September 5, 2013

What are we really after in this life?!
"I think it is a very hard choice. The price, we think the price is worth it." - Madeleine Albright
On Thursday last week I decided that I had enough of the city fumes for a while and went home to breathe some fresh sea air! Best decision ever! However, when I entered my home there was little breathing of fresh sea air. All that was in the air were the terrible nuclear fumes coming from Syria...  
When it comes to politics I am a little this...
I know I know, I should totally get plugged into the newspaper to remain updated about all of these things that are going on around us!..but I often get comfortable and enjoy not having to stress about the bad things in life. Less to stress about helps me sleep better!
That should not be our thinking and I am embarrassed to have had such thoughts on the matter! What a selfish kind of thinking when there are people in Syria and other places that can't sleep because death may have the better of them in the morning! We very often think ourselves small and insignificant in this world (well I do) but that should not be so! 
Let me show you one very nicely laid out perspective on the Syrian matter...


Who knows if this is true, or just another one of these propaganda clips making its rounds...all I know is that there is some sort of power struggle going on and when that is the case, man will walk all over human rights which is a shame because that is not what we are here for! Lets face it, man has come very far in terms of discovering his own potential which is why technology is advancing so fast and we are able to cure our own diseases. People that have walked the earth before us have put systems in place which have brought wealth and comfort to many on the one hand and poverty and suffering on the other. These systems have been carried through the generations to this very day! The systems I am referring to are of rigid origin and if something does not run according to plan, it will spin out of control and not even paper money will be able to save the mess.  
So you are probably thinking where on earth does OT fit into all of this!? Our profession is all about being good advocates for our clients which has everything to do with human rights. In fact, the rights of humans are so important to us that we will even treat criminals or murderers in order to fulfil our role.
Our role....a difficult one to describe in words but not with the heart. Our role, one that covers many a occupation yet focuses on the desirable occupation of our clients heart. Our role, one so free yet so specific to man.
It is so easy for man to lose his focus on what is important in this life. Like it was said in the clip, "What kind of psychopath is willing to intentionally set off a global conflict that would lead to millions of deaths just to protect the currency of a paper money." 
All of us have our own little or big power struggles going on especially my client who is caught in a whirlwind of religious-family 'traditions' and his own prideful ego. His story is a clear example of how a power struggle can slowly but surely chip away at a grown man's life. Seeing this power struggle unfold on a much smaller scale than the one going on globally at the moment, just shows how destructive the craving for power can be. 
Us OT's are probably not going to be able to change the world's thinking but we can start small. Like someone once said, "It's only when you stop basing your involvement on the chances of success that success actually becomes possible." This for me means to let this course shape me, which starts in the boardroom, presenting my client.
Our mid term presentations took place on Tuesday this week. I was mighty tired when I woke up that day, not exactly in the mood to make a difference. What I didn't do was to practice what I was going to say which didn't really help my nerves! What made it worse was that I was after the tea break. This meant that there were amazing presentations before me, pointing out what I should and shouldn't have done. I must admit that I generally quite enjoy presenting something that I am passionate about but I have totally had better presentations than this one....but in the end  I needed to remind myself that it wasn't and isn't about me! My feedback was reasonable and I will definitely look at the things that were mentioned in the future.
I really enjoy what I am doing even though I often feel like my brain is malfunctioning and I am being crushed from all sides! :) Oh and by the way, I disagree with Madeleine Albright's statement that I put at the beginning of my blog because I don't think it's a very hard choice to decide what's worth the price....

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