Thursday, September 19, 2013

Am I the A-V-O-I-D-A-N-T type!?
 Nothing ever goes away until it has taught us what we need to know.  - Pema Chodron

Golly, so much has happened lately! Don't know where to begin! Life has been a little rough and all over the place....So let me go back to last week when we received our clinical performance forms with our mid term marks on them. I was a little distraught or better said bummed about what I had clinical performance means a lot to me and so I got a bit of a fright when I received my form and I was sitting on the fence of a pass! Am sure you can image my music blaring in my car on the way home!:)....I had to work hard to contain myself. This I did by telling myself that it was not about the marks and that I will work harder on the areas that I was lacking in, in order to become a better therapist! My lack of sleep and the high level of anxiety did not help the situation...

What did help a little was celebrating Mark and Roan's wedding on the weekend between doing work! It was such a special and personal moment! The question, "So have you got a boyfriend or fiancé yet?" was posed multiple times that day. Yes! Good question! This made me think about my own interpersonal relationships! Am I avoiding them? My supervisor pointed out something so very true the other day when she gave us some individual feedback. She said that I should re-examine the stigma of not being 'book smart'. It is indeed a real stigma already. I think it might be my ego....these typical egocentric thoughts, 'well if I am not excellent at something I will just avoid it as much as possible.'

On Tuesday we had our annual Research Day which our class hosted for the forth years who presented their research projects. Oh my goodness did I get cold feet upon seeing these well put together research projects! I have never seen myself as a researcher and there these pretty forth year ladies stood, all grown up and so very professional. Am I avoiding growing up?  This particular slide from one of the research projects somehow said it all.

So what is the remedy for the avoidant type?! Will let you know once I have an answer! Here are some happy moments captured on Research Day 2013!

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