Thursday, September 12, 2013

In the end, it will all be worth it...
                One day, in retrospect the years of struggle will strike you as the most BEAUTIFUL.     
                                                                                                      - Sigmund Freud

A horrific accident happened not too far away from where I live...22 people dead and many find themselves in critical conditions.
This just goes to show how short life really is! This accident shook many and profound questions about life started cropping up...


Many people do not understand why us OT students work so hard. They do not understand how we can be working away our best and most prosperous years, during which we should be travelling and trying out all sorts of different things...what they are really wanting to say is, "why work so hard if life is so frikken short!?"...ever since the accident happened, I have also asked myself this question. 

We set so many goals in our profession, that we try very hard to work towards together with our clients. The dictionary defines a goal as, 'a purpose toward which an edeavor is directed.' This makes me ask myself the question, "what is my goal" and what is the "key" to reaching a goal...and is "the journey towards the goal not more important than reaching the actual destination?"

Have you ever reached a goal lately? It is an amazing feeling for a couple of minutes, hours or days hey! A recent goal of ours was planning and running the Casual Day in aid of spreading awareness about disability :) The theme was 'Think Big'. Here is a pic to show you that we really tried hard to stick out and make a statement for the disabled :)

We played 'A Minute to Win It' with everyone at the rehab, even the staff members joined in! everyone ended up looking a little like we did in the photo! Was such a treat seeing everyone looking a little out of place for once! I guess one is never too old to play around and look odd! many things turned out a little lob sided with regards to our plans but everyone caught on quickly that it was not about the competition and rather about the fellowship and bonding that happened. Days like these make my life! One sees how the most collected and rigid kind of people start tapping their feet to the music, putting on a funky looking props and some stepping it up by doing a dance in front of everyone. It was a beautiful moment that I don't think I will ever forget! It is such a pleasure to be able to be working alongside these three stunning girls! We all have our insecurities and weaknesses but yet we borrow and lend what we possibly can to one another which to me is real team work and growth!:)      
You soon however notice that life carries on and you find yourself setting new goals soon after having reached one, no matter how big or small. This may be due to our ambitious nature or our personal drive that keeps us going and reaching for the stars. My personal drive is pure HOPE! It is hard to explain the 'contents' of this 'ingredient' but holding onto this thing called HOPE helps me get up in the morning as well as working with clients with a poor prognosis.

My reply to the many questions about why I am working so much is;

'there must be something that inspires me about what I am learning and doing other wise I would have become a tour guide a long time ago!'         

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