Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Just one of those days....

“It's often just enough to be with someone. I don't need to touch them. Not even talk. A feeling passes between you both. You're not alone.”
Marilyn Monroe

We started off our Wednesday morning at the clinic by waiting for the rain to subside as we wanted to start with our exciting garden project. The rain took its sweet time as Mother Nature works in her own time so we decided to brainstorm our garden project with the older boys from the day care centre that are going to take on the garden project. This project, we are hoping will become a more functional activity which the disabled children can engage in and hopefully gain important skills.

We had a truly profound encounter today that really moved me as I can not seem to get it out of my head. My friend’s home visit client had a stroke eighteen years and has suffered from global aphasia and increased tone ever since. His wife has been by his side supporting and helping him in every way possible. Talk about real love and true commitment...this relationship has however spun a little out of control as today she is burnt out and depressed. She doesn’t socialize with her neighbours or fellow community members nor does she conduct some of her most valued occupations such as knitting. She comes across as a very intelligent, strong and staunch lady that is in full control of her life...but today when we interrogated the matter more, she broke down on us and poured her heart out to us. I am so glad that my friend is closely working on the case as I think that the wife needs more intervention than the stroke affected man. This is a classic example of the burden the family has to bear due to the repercussions of a family member falling ill.

This experience also made me realize how much our thoughts control our actions and that we can become ‘enslaved’ by them. It is so important to keep a level head with regards to our thoughts especially when it comes to the negative and unrealistic ones, which is why I try to discuss my thoughts and feelings with people that I respect, love and that I know that have my best interests in mind. The clients wife needs to be plugged back into the community because she has admittedly reported that she has isolated herself from society. This results her in sitting at home ‘enslaved’ by her own negative thoughts and a husband that can not voice his opinion on the matter.  

1 comment:

  1. It really is a very touching situation and shows the value of the work you do within the community.

    Can you link this to occupational science and injustice?
