Saturday, October 5, 2013

 Every ending is a new beginning!
"Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending."
Maria Robinson
My emotions are on a roller coaster ride at the moment! I find goodbyes terribly sad...and lately there have been a whole lot of them! I think that this may be the reason as to why I battle to let people get too close to me. On the one hand because the people you care about the most tend to hurt you the most and on the other hand saying good bye to people you care about feels like a part of you will be missing once they leave. Maybe I am not as strong as I would like to be after all....but life is all about taking risks! If you don't try out it out you will never know what it has in store for you?
Yesterday we said goodbye to our first clients which was not easy as they have made our fieldwork such a pleasure! What made my day was when one of my clients gave me a tissue box that he had made during the wood working group! Sooo creative! Felt smothered in love!
On the way home, holding the box on my lap and admiring it, I remembered my Kinesiology session I had in the holidays! During the session whilst working with my muscles and sub consciousness, the therapist asked me if I could associate something with the emotion 'crying' as it came up during the 'pre checks'. To me this tissue box held an important life message...'fill it up with an adequate amount of tissues and keep pushing on in order to fulfil those dreams'.
Last night was our annual OT ball. It was so special sharing this evening with the 4th years! They have come so far and it has been a real privilege getting to know some of them a little better throughout these three years of OT! They are such a diverse bunch and so very accepting of one another which is what life is all about. We have learnt so many important lessons from them that we will take along on our journey! Our 3rd year table was buzzing with happy and sad times that we have encountered which shows how much we have grown and achieved in our days of being OT students! They will definitely be missed!

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