Thursday, October 17, 2013

...I still have this dream no matter what!
Prac is over!
Nine weeks of intense work and learning in the field is over...and I feel like I have come a very long way...this I noticed whilst evaluating my clinical performance...
It has been a real bumpy ride, I won't lie! Going into the module with a physical and avoidant mind-set did make things awfully challenging for me. I learnt that it's important to identify ones personal barriers and then to work on them as best as possible in order to become a better person. This however must be one of the most trying things for us people, as we often don't like identifying or uncovering these problematic areas that are a part of us. There is no harm in owning up to your weaknesses and finding help or some many it may spell out 'weakness' but to me it makes people truly beautiful! This experience has taught me how important it is to reflect upon ones life by examining oneself in a mirror now and again and to put that critical thinking cap on when being confronted with personal, daily or global issues.    
Even though it has been a tough semester, I have enjoyed the time out in the field. It has been a completely different learning experience from the ones I have had so far, with clients that have similar problems to you and I...the only difference is that their barriers are a little different. I've learnt that life is all about CHOICES and staying true to yourself and your believes! There is no quick fix when it comes to life....we have the choice to travel the path less or more travelled and yet they both have their potholes. I believe that it is not the path that you travel or take but how you travel it and what you make of it...meaning, your attitude and approach toward it counts most. Once those are right, you can take any old road!

What kept me going for most of the road, were my clients that were assigned to me! Together we sat down and examined possible solutions to break through their personal 'barriers' that kept them from reaching their optimal occupational performance. This became my personal drive. I have had the most incredible clients so far! They have taught me so much and it was such an absolute pleasure working with them. It is just such a pitty that we didn't get to work with them more often and on a regular basis...but that is fourth years hurdle.

Us OT students worked very hard and well together in my opinion. We shared ideas, assisted one another with our write ups, shared our material, gave critical feedback and supported one another during difficult and emotional times. Not only were the students from my class amazing to me (in so many ways) but also the students that have gone before us. The students that are a year ahead of us also lend us a helping hand. Megan in particular who got her brother Andrew to come in and conduct a welding session with my clients. Just goes to show how blessed I am! I also want to pass the love on like they have done and will pay closer attention in the future to those that are in need of some inspiration because at the end of the day it is about how many lives you have touched or changed and not how much money or power you have earned! Oh and me and my text book have also taken our relationship to the next level...

Tomorrow is our project presentation and we will be receiving our final feedback for the semester. I hope that I will not forget the reason why I am here, doing what I am doing.

I have this incredible dream that I am working toward and I will give it my all... 

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