Tuesday, February 11, 2014

What does it mean to be truly human!? – Inspired by Jefferson Bethke
When I think about this phrase, “What does it mean to be truly human?” I immediately know what my answer at this point in time would be! It would be, wanting to know everything, especially what the future holds!  Today we had our mock practical, which is the equivalent to a briefing about how the things will be running during the upcoming weeks. This briefing ALWAYS brings with it an enormous amount of tension and anxiety. To make matters worse, a gentlemen who is part of the board for next years community service placements, came to give us a talk on the selection process of next years placement procedure... 
 I am currently seeing a huge mountain in front of me and am therefore questioning my energy levels and capabilities for the journey ahead! What I am forgetting is that we, according to Bethke's words,"...weren't created to do it all by ourselves". The journey, in my opinion is about smelling the flowers and enjoying the company of the people along the way instead of reaching the top of the mountain without having grown stronger as a person and as a community. OT entails having a lot of love for people, even the ones that you can not stand. C.S. Lewis once said, “Loving - is to be vulnerable”. This to me means; admitting that you don't know it all and are willing learn, showing emotion by empathising with others and respecting ones clients whom are vulnerable by preserving their dignity in every way possible. (You see, even some ethical principles are based on LOVE;))
 Community life requires a great amount of love for one another as finding the source of a problem means digging deep in order to find the source. I believe with love which will automatically result in respect for the community members, it can be done in a dignified manner. This is easier said than it is done!!!!
In our OT community life, we are starting to open up more and more about our deeper feelings, fears and doubts however there are still many that somehow see owning up to ones feelings, as a weakness which I find sad. Like  Bethke said, "...we were created to need each other, to be honest with each other, to encourage each other..."  We only start understanding people, once they start opening up about their inner feelings and emotions that they are facing.
 Even though I have my fears and concerns about what lies ahead (being pretty vulnerable here owning up to such feelings) I will try really hard, to take this journey up that mountain step by step even without knowing where the path will take me...

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